
Sony Is Reportedly Refunding Cyberpunk 2077 For Some PS4, PS5 Gamers

While CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 is 1 of the more highly anticipated games of 2020, it seems that for some gamers, especially those on the PS4 and the PS5, the launch was less than ideal. So much so that gamers are at present reporting that Sony is patently issuing refunds for gamers who asking for it.

For those who need a little bit more context, the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 on the PS4 and PS5 consoles have been less than stellar. Sure, it's a new game, but however, it seems that due to bugs or poor optimization, PS4 gamers are reporting that the game plays at a low 720p resolution, with framerates dropping to fifteen fps.

Obviously 60 fps is platonic, and 30 is still playable, but at 15 fps, it'south quite bad. Gamers are also reporting issues similar  frequent crashing, bugged quests, interface issues, and more. While Sony does not have an official refund policy, it seems that they are making an exception with the game, and so if yous are really non enjoying your experience, you can reach out to Sony and try to go a refund.

That being said, it seems that Sony might have some issues with CD Projekt Scarlet as well, with one user on Reddit challenge that the rep he spoke with said that the visitor was patently looking into opening a "business complaint" with the developer, but take that with a grain of salt for now.

Filed in . Read more about Cyberpunk 2077, PS4, Ps5 and Sony. Source: pushsquare


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